The UMass Language, Intersensory Perception, and Speech (LIPS) lab, directed by Dr. Alexandra Jesse, is looking for native speakers of American English who are between 18 and 30 years old OR betweeen 45 to 80 years old and would like to be paid for participating in non-profit research.
Our research program investigates how seeing a speaker talk can help aging listeners to continue to effectively understand spoken language.

To contact us, please leave a message at lipslab [at]

Stay informed about our research

Native speakers of American English between 18-30 years of age and 45-80 years of age can sign up to stay informed about our future research opportunities.

All information is treated confidentially and not shared outside of our lab. You can opt out at any time. Signing up does not require you to participate in research. You can decide that later for each study.

Contact us for more information.

Help us recruit participants

Help us recruit paid volunteers who are 18-30 years of age and 45-80 years of age and native speakers of American English. 

  • Forward this email to your contacts
  • Like and share ads on our Facebook page

Participate in our current studies

Audiovisual Synchrony (AVSYNC) Study:

Native speakers of American English between 45-60 years of age can participate in two compensated visits to our lab at UMass Amherst. The first visit lasts 3 hours; the second visit also lasts about 3 hours. 

The lab visit includes various computerized tasks that assess hearing, vision, and judgments about what a speaker says. The second visit involves recording your brain waves with an EEG cap on your head while you watch and listen to a speaker.

Payment: $10 per hour (i.e., $2.50 per quarter of an hour, rounded to the nearest quarter of an hour) + free parking on campus as needed

More details will be provided when you contact us! Leave us a message at lipslab [at]

Study “Pay attention to speech”:

Native speakers of American English between 18-30 years of age can participate in one compensated visit (about 3hrs) to our lab at UMass Amherst.

The lab visit involves recording your brain waves with an EEG cap on your head while you watch and listen to a speaker.

Payment: $12 per hour (i.e., $3 per quarter of an hour, rounded to the nearest quarter of an hour) + free parking on campus as needed

More details will be provided when you contact us! Leave us a message at lipslab [at]

Upcoming research

We will soon start looking for participants who are between 65 and 80 years of age. Contact us now to be considered.